GAMAZINE is a granular plaster used as a decorative INTERIOR & EXTERIOR wall & ceiling coating with the option off a GAMAZINE or GRANITE finish. The GAMAZINE coating can be mixed in any colour of choice. These GRANITE finishes are available in several existing colours, consisting of a range of natural coloured stone.
Gamazine is a 2-3 mm plastered wall coating that is suitable for both exterior and interior use and is suitable for ceilings. Gamazine can be applied as either the more popular scratch finish or as a smooth finish. Gamazine ensures that all undesirable wall imperfections such as, hairline cracks, uneven plastering and larger cracks are all hidden and no longer a problem. Gamazine is a highly durable and maintenance free product that can last up to 15 years if there’s no damp present on surfaces of application and is the ideal product for your home and/or business. Gamazine comes in 20L buckets and covers around 7 – 8 square metres per 20L bucket.
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